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Service: Breast

Dr. Karlo Capellan – Certified Cosmetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon.

Augmentation / Lift / Reduction / Reconstruction

Symmetry Plastic Surgery

Breast Augmentation

Improve the appearance of your breasts. Heighten your self-confidence and make them turn twice in your direction. Breast augmentation is the way to go.

Why should you choose to undergo a breast augmentation procedure?  

A lot of reasons influence a woman’s decision to undergo breast augmentation. In most cases, women simply want to:

• Boost the size of inherently small breasts 

• Enhance the symmetry between breasts of varied sizes

• Restructure one or both breasts after mastectomy

• Re-establish breast volume, usually because of aging or childbirth

Whatever your reason for breast augmentation is, Dr. Capellan is sure to assist you along the way. After all, he has partnered with several breast augmentation patients to help them attain the features that they desire. 

How does the breast augmentation procedure go?  

Breast augmentation surgery is an outpatient procedure that takes 1 to 1.5 hours. It’s a personalized procedure that takes into account your personal needs, body type and cosmetic goals.

Before the procedure is done, Dr. Capellan and you will collaborate and work on an approach that is mutually beneficial to the both of you. The implant size, shape, position and material, as well as incision placement will all be discussed mutually, so feel free to voice out any concerns. 

The final recommendation of Dr. Capellan will be based on your body shape and type, target results of breasts’ appearance, your current breast volume, skin quality, chest symmetry and skin texture. 

Should you choose to do so, you can do breast augmentation together with breast lift – this is for enhancement of position and size of your breasts. (We also have another service that combines the improvement of breasts and stomach – it’s called the Mommy Makeover.) 

Feel free to consult with Dr. Capellan about the options that are available to you. 

After a breast augmentation procedure, how do you recover?  

A feeling of soreness and tightness in your chest is normal. You may also look bruised because you did undergo an invasive surgery. No worries about this, though: all this uncomfortable signs and symptoms shouldn’t last for more than 48 hours or so.

For pain, over-the-counter pain medicines can be purchased and taken orally. Additionally, Dr. Capellan will likely want you to wear a special garment to aid in the speedy healing and proper positioning of your implants. After 3 to 4 days, you can return to work without straining yourself. Then, after 4 weeks, you can resume doing your normal routine. 

What are the risks of the breast augmentation procedure?  

Complications, while extremely rare, are not unheard of. Some of them may include:

infection, bleeding, capsular contracture, dissatisfaction with the cosmetic results, and reactions to the anesthesia.

Implants are also at risk of wrinkling, rupturing and deflating at any point, although they have already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (Philippines). 

- Saline implants will shrink when split or ruptured. Your body will absorb the saltwater solution harmlessly anyway.  

- Silicone implant breakage is harder to detect since the gel leaks from the shell slowly. For more details about this, Dr. Capellan will discuss them comprehensively during your surgical consultation with him.

How can you get started with learning more about breast augmentation?  

Book a surgical consultation with Dr. Capellan to review your options in achieving better and fuller breasts. You may call us at (+63) 908 820 5272 or email our office to make an appointment. Other procedures related to breasts such as reduction, reconstruction and lift can be found in this page.

Breast Lift 

Have you recently experienced pregnancy, aging or excessive weight loss? This means that you might have a problem with the sagging of breasts. And because you just can’t exercise or wipe that away, you need breast lift surgery for that.

Our in-house certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Karlo Capellan, can expertly do the procedure for you. Getting perkier breasts has never been this convenient! 

How can breast lift help improve your condition?  

With the implication of the name itself, you can already find out that breast lift is all about raising, firming and moulding breasts that are already sagging. After undergoing breast lift surgery, you can expect perkier and better-looking breasts that can do wonders for your self-confidence.

Note that if you also want to enhance the size, shape and position of your breasts, you can also undergo a breast augmentation surgery for breast implant placements. For the decrease in breast shapes, on the other hand, a breast reduction surgery is also possible. 

What can you expect to happen during the breast lift surgery?  

The overall specifics of the surgery will depend on your personal preferences and on the professional opinion of Dr. Capellan. Since the procedure is personalized, various factors such as the following will be considered: how much your breasts sag, how much excess skin you have and how your nipples are positioned.

There are 3 types of incisions for consideration: 

- Vertical incision approach: 3 surgical incisions will be made: 

o Around the areola

o Vertically down from the areola to the crease of the breast, and,

o Horizontally beneath your breast.

- Lollipop lift approach: 2 surgical incisions will be made:  

o Around the perimeter of the areola, and,

o Vertically down from the areola to the crease of the breast.

- Donut lift (or Benelli lift) approach: 1 incision will be made:  

o Around the perimeter of the areola.

Dr. Capellan will make these incisions in order to remove excess skin and transfer the areola/nipple to a more apt position on your breast. In some cases, reduction of areolar size can also be done (provided that this was discussed during your consultation). Subsequently, breast skin that used to be located above the areola will be pulled down tightly across the breast mound to result to a new shape. The incisions will then be sutured to finalize the conclusion of the surgery. 

How does the recovery process go?  

Expect your breasts to swell and bruise after the procedure has been done. It depends on a case-to-case basis, but Dr. Capellan may suggest that you wear a compression device in order to help alleviate the swelling of your breasts.

Also expect that you may feel a temporary loss of sensation. Please take note that this is normal so you don’t need to worry about this – the sensations will return after a while. 

You can return to work within a week and you can resume doing your normal routine within a few weeks. Kindly remember this, though: for at least 4 weeks, refrain from lifting anything over your head so that you won’t be susceptible to risks. 

About 6 months after the breast lift surgery, expect to see the results that you’ve been waiting for. 

What are the risks associated with breast lift surgery?  

Generally speaking, you can be assured that the surgery is commonly safe, especially since our in-house expert is a certified plastic surgeon. For the interest of full disclosure, though, please take note of the following risks:

- asymmetry,  

- permanent loss of sensation (particularly in the nipples),

- scarring,

- infection, and,

- reactions to the anesthesia.

For more details about this, Dr. Capellan will discuss them comprehensively during your surgical consultation with him. Feel free to voice out any concerns. 

How can you get started with learning more about breast lift?  

Schedule a surgical consultation with Dr. Capellan to review your options in achieving perkier and youthful-looking breasts. You may call us at (+63) 908 820 5272 or email our office to make an appointment. Other procedures related to breasts such as reduction, reconstruction and augmentation can be found in this page.

Breast Reduction 

If you’re among the many women who were blessed with an abundant bustline, you may feel burdened by this. No need to hide your worries – Dr. Karlo Capellan understands the struggles that you face, either physically or emotionally:

- Discomfort,  

- Embarrassment or Humiliation, or,

- Even limited mobility.

To achieve a better quality of life brought about by more comfortable breasts that are appropriately shaped according to your own preference, Dr. Capellan can help you by providing breast reduction surgery. 

What are some of the benefits of getting a breast reduction done?  

Simply speaking, reducing your breast size can help provide more comfort and decrease the body weight that you carry every day. Because your weighty breasts will shrink in size, you won’t experience the neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain that is caused by heavy breasts.

With the decrease in breast size comes the increase in your self-confidence and self-worth. Breast reduction surgery isn’t just about breast size – it’s about your life’s quality. 

How is breast reduction surgery done?  

You don’t need to take a long break from work just to undergo this procedure – breast reduction can be done on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia.

In breast reduction, it would do you well to remember 3 incisions: 

- Around the areola 

- Running vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast; and,

- Following the natural curve of the breast crease

Since the main objective of breast reduction is to decrease breast size, the removal of excess breast tissue, fat and skin will be done by Dr. Capellan. The nipple and areola will be placed higher on the breast. (Sometimes, reduction of areolar size can be done, should you want to.) 

In extreme cases, Dr. Capellan may disengage the nipple and areola from the underlying breast tissue so that they can be placed higher on the breast. Afterwards, he will bring the skin formerly located above the nipple down and stitch it together to complete the breast reduction procedure. Liposuction under the arm can also be performed, if the case requires it. 

After the proper breast size has been achieved, Dr. Capellan will stitch the incisions together and bandage your breasts. He may also advise you to wear surgical bra so that your breasts can heal in a safe and timely manner. 

How can you recover from a breast reduction surgery?  

For you to achieve natural-looking beauty, a bit of a sacrifice is a must. It needs to be worth it, doesn’t it? Therefore, expect soreness, swelling and bruising after the breast reduction surgery. All these are normal, so there’s no need to worry.

The only thing to remember during recovery is to rest and refrain from doing highly exhaustive activities until Dr. Capellan says it’s already okay. Mild exercise such as light walking is necessary for promotion of circulation and wearing of support bra is encouraged for fast and safe recovery. A more detailed instruction personalized to you will be formulated during your consultation with Dr. Capellan. 

What are some of the risks involved in breast reduction surgery?  

It’s the constant rule in surgery – every medical procedure involves risks. For the purposes of full disclosure, here are some that you should know about:

- bleeding,  

- infection,

- anesthesia-related reactions,

- asymmetry; and,

- permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts.

However, Dr. Capellan will definitely do everything in his power to alleviate this risk and deliver safe and excellent results that are natural-looking. The fact that breast reduction complications are very rare can also help in addressing your concerns. 

How can you get started with learning more about breast reduction? 

Schedule a surgical consultation with Dr. Capellan to review your options in achieving smaller, more manageable and more comfortable breasts. You may call us at (+63) 908 820 5272 or email our office to make an appointment. Other procedures related to breasts such as breast lift, reconstruction and augmentation can be found in this page.

Breast Reconstruction 

Breast cancer patients, especially females, are known to report feelings of inadequacy after undergoing mastectomy. Well, with breast reconstruction surgery, there’s no need for them to feel this way anymore.

Breast reconstruction surgery is heaven-sent as it can empower breast cancer patients and encourage them to feel complete and intact, once more. On this light, Dr. Capellan prides himself in being able to offer various types of reconstructive procedures. Since he believes in collaboration with relevant medical experts, Dr. Capellan also makes it a point to closely work with his patients’ oncologists and overall medical team. 

Should you be interested to learn more about this surgery, please feel free to make an appointment with Dr. Capellan as soon as possible so he can draft a plan personalized to your special needs. 

When is breast reconstruction surgery usually done?  

The process of breast reconstruction is actually multi-faceted. Meaning, it’s done in conjunction with other medical procedures that may be relevant to your case. This medical procedure can initiate at the same time as your mastectomy. It can also be initiated at a later time after your recovery from mastectomy is done. There’s no fixed time as each surgery is dependent on your health status as a patient.

How is breast reconstruction surgery done?  

Breast reconstruction is done via two medical procedures: via tissue expanders and via flap surgery. To differentiate:

- Tissue Expanders 

As the name implies, implementing this procedure involves the placement of tissue expanders below the chest wall muscle and skin, post-mastectomy of the patient. These tissue expanders are regularly injected with saline solution so that your chest tissue will enlarge in size. Once your chest tissue has been stretched and enlarged in size, Dr. Capellan will remove the expanders and replace them with permanent breast implants. 

For the specific reconstruction of your nipples and areolas, a second procedure in the form of local tissue flaps can be done. 

- Flap Surgery 

This medical procedure involves Dr. Capellan producing a tissue flap with the use of skin, fat and muscle from another part of your body (such as back, abdomen, thigh, buttocks or waist areas). 

The creation of a tissue flap is needed because this is going to be attached to your breast area in order to produce a breast mound. (The created breast mound will be the pocket for the breast implant.) 

Flap reconstruction surgery is highly beneficial in a way that it is direct and single-staged. You won’t need to undergo different stages of reconstructive surgery anymore, thanks to this procedure. 

For more information about the specifics of the flap surgery, here they are as classified according to the source of the flap: 

- Latissimus dorsi flap surgery: from your back; a passageway is formed from the flap through the body to the breast and is kept intact with its donor site for the original blood supply to remain.  

- TRAM flap: from your abdomen; a passageway can be formed from the abdomen to the chest wall flap or the tissue flap can be detached from its donor site and formed into a breast mound instead.

How can you get started with learning more about breast lift?  

Schedule a surgical consultation with Dr. Capellan to review your options in achieving natural-looking breasts that can empower you and encourage you to feel your best. You may call us at (+63) 908 820 5272 or email our office to make an appointment. Other procedures related to breasts such as breast reduction, lift and augmentation can be found in this page.

Contact Us

3rd Floor, MEDICARD LIFESTYLE CENTER #51 Paseo De Roxas cor. Sen Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati 1200
(Hours 10:00AM - 5:00PM)  / +63.908.820.5272

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